Varanasi and Khajuraho
Is a popular circuit and can be covered over a period of ten days with two nights at each place .
Varanasi is proclaimed to be the oldest living city in India and one of the world's most ancient. It was previously known as Kashi - the city that illuminates . The present name is derived from the fact that the city is at the confluence of the rivers Varuna and Asi . The river Ganges and the ghats lining in its western shore are the most important feature of Varanasi. Sunrise on the river front, as seen from a boat can be a spiritually uplifting experience . At a distance of 12 km from Varanasi is Sarnath where Lord Buddha preached his first Sermon after enlightenment. Here he revealed the eight fold path to Nirvana .
Khajuraho - Built by the Chandela Dynasty in a short span of 100 years from 950 - 1050 AD the Temples of Khajuraho display different facts of life, including the Sensual. To preserve it for posterity, Khajuraho has been declared a world heritage site. The legendary temples of Khajuraho are one of the world's famous artistic wonders. Khajuraho Dance Festival, an annual event is held every year in February for ten days. Renowned classical dancers, perform in an open air auditorium with the western group of temples forming an inspiring back drop. Khajuraho is connected by air to Agra and Varanasi.